Thousands of pigeon fanciers, followers and friends across 70 countries already benefit from the advantages


Why an IPFN?

The International Fancier Number (IPFN) is a unique identification within the racing pigeon network. Connect to the largest racing pigeon community, follow races and results and receive special offers from our partners. Manage everything from one account like pedigrees, race results and much more.

Race Results

Worldwide Race Results and Competitions


Verified ID in international rankings

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M&C Auctions





Wonder Pigeon



One Loft Races


As an IPFN member you will enjoy a lots of benefits


As an IPFN member you will enjoy a lots of benefits


Enjoy the pigeon community and join a new network with many possibilities


With the opportunity of an App you will receive push up notifications and are always up to date. You always have your IPFN number with you.


What users say about IPFN

Martin Hansen, CEO M&C Hansen

IPFN is what we need in the pigeonsport! Pigeon fanciers have to stick together, help eachother and enjoy the passion for pigeons together! IPFN opens a fantastic opportunity for every pigeon fancier around the world to get information, results and special offers. We wish you all the best of luck!

Marius Tunduc, Vice President FCI

The IPFN (International Fancier Number) project is a brilliant idea that will help to identify fanciers and add to their individualization. This is one more step into a new era that's already begun to take a shape - one that combines our favorite sport with the best in high-end technology. The future will be different to what we're used, and we need to be ready to embrace these changes for the benefit of the pigeon sport.

Mr. Mike Holt, Race Director SAMDPR

We at the SAMDPR wish Benzing luck with the launch of their new IPFN system. Since we have integrated the Benzing timing system, we have been able to offer our entrants improved result updates

Hélder Carmo, Manager Algarve Great Derby

The world of pigeon sport needed this innovation. The IPFN breaks down borders so that every pigeon fancier can now be identified, regardless of the name they use or competition they enter. Organisation is the key to success, and IPFN takes us further along that path. It’s undoubtedly a great step forward for our beloved sport.\"

Adnan Zuberovic, President of Swedish Racing Pigeon Federation

As the technology develops around the world, we in the Swedish Racing Pigeon Federation (SBF) are grateful that we’re a part of it. We’ve already been using the great MyPigeons platform for the calculation of racing results and much more, and now we have the IPFN-International Fancier Number. With the constant development of this technology, IPFN makes the pigeon racing sport much more fun for fanciers around the world. Take the opportunity to be a part of it, as we are in the SBF!

Dr. Matteo Grappa, Chairman FCI Sport Commission

Pigeon sport is a passion without limits and boundaries. Sharing one's experiences and knowing new realities can only lead us to improve and learn. With IPFN all this is possible! Don't miss the chance to own your international identity.

Martin Steffl, CEO Top Shop 24

As a multiple One Loft Race participant, it’s so convenient to be able to register with a clearly identifiable fancier number. This way my personal data can be saved and used for all races, with the correct spelling and no mistakes. It’s also easier to fly out a league system or cups at One Loft Race level.

Dr. Cristiano Paltrinieri, CEO Wonderpigeon

IPFN is a step forward in pigeon world. Starting form 2020 every fancier will have his own code, no matter the country he come from, no matter the name he will race with in different situations. Thanks to IPFN fanciers belong now to a new community without borders, to race and enjoy the pigeon sport worldwide. New opportunities thank to technology and smart organizing, the future of pigeon sport has taken off.

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